The essence of environmental issues is the relationship of living things, especially humans with their environment. Studies on the interrelationships of living things with their environment is called ecology.

The environment is a system which is a unity with all things space, power, state and living creatures, including man with his behavior, which affects the continuity fairy life and human welfare as well as other living creatures.

From the above definition imply that living creatures, especially the ones who always take advantage of their environment, both in terms of respiration, fulfilling the needs of food, shelter and others. And, man as the most superior creature in the ecosystem, has the power to utilize and consume a variety of natural resources for their livelihoods.

In nature there are a variety of natural resources. which is a component of the environment that are different, which can be classified on:

– Natural resources that can be updated (renewable natural resources)
– Natural resources that can not be updated (non-renewable natural resources).

Various natural resources that have diverse characteristics and behaviors that are mutually interacting in different forms as well. In accordance with the interests of natural resources can be divided up;

(A). fisiokimia such as water, air, soil, and so forth,
(B). biology, such as fauna, flora, habitats, and so on, and
(C). socioeconomic such as income, health, customs, religions, and others.

The interaction of the elements belonging to environment ie between biological and non-biological cycle will determine the viability of ecosystems, the therein found the movement of energy and nutrient (material) in a system that indicates the habitat, the process of adaptation and evolution.

In manipulating their environment, then humans must be able to recognize the nature of the environment which is determined by various factors.

In connection with this statement, the nature of the environment are categorized on the basis of:

(1). The type and amount of each type of element of the environment, the
(2). relationship or interaction between elements in the environment,
(3). behavior or condition of environmental elements, and
(4). factors of non-material, such as light and noise.